We know the NHS is in crisis. Before the election, many of us heard politicians discussing how they were going to fix the NHS. I don’t know about you, but I felt most had run out of ideas. After spending nearly five
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Doctors often face a dilemma. Is an illness physical or psychological? Isn’t not always clearcut. Getting it right can make a big difference to the patient and equally, getting it wrong can lead to a lot of frustration. Diagnosis is tricky
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Sixty-five-year-old, Paul Gill, started to develop muscle weakness and weight loss, losing 4 stone in weight. He struggled to climb steps, eventually becoming so weak that he needed a wheelchair. He had multiple investigations including MRI and CT scans. Doctors finally told
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Is it possible that eating healthy food could inadvertently be putting your health at risk? Could you be unintentionally accumulating a toxic substance? I believe this scenario is commoner than we think. Could the fruit, vegetables, wholegrains, nuts and seeds you are
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Many people know what they need to do to reduce their risk of diabetes or even heart disease. But what about cancer? What if there was a simple way to substantially reduce your risk of this feared disease? Have a look at
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Drugs, Drugs and More Drugs … So, are we being prescribed too many drugs today? Is the NHS wasting vast sums of money? And could this prescribing be doing more harm than good? And why is this happening? No one questions that
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The majority of doctors only accept treatments that have been proved to work in double-blind trials. In many ways this is a sensible policy for it is vital to know whether a treatment genuinely works or whether it is just a placebo.
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Look out for this February’s issue of WDDTY (What Doctors Don’t Tell You) magazine. The latest edition features an article about food and cancer from my book, Curing the Incurable. Foods and nutrients can help prevent cancer but they can do more.
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The nurses are on strike, the ambulances are on strike. A&E departments are full to overflowing. Is there any hope? Will it ever get better? Is there a way to fix it? Sadly, many of the problems are entirely predictable. Hospital beds
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Could you be taking a drug that increases your risk of dying from a heart attack? It is only too common for cardiologists and GPs to prescribe drugs to reduce the risk of a heart attack. But what if these same doctors
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