Foods and Cancer

Look out for this February’s issue of WDDTY (What Doctors Don’t Tell You) magazine. The latest edition features an article about food and cancer from my book, Curing the Incurable.

Foods and nutrients can help prevent cancer but they can do more. There have been many instances when they have cured cancer too, and this includes metastatic cancer. The article not only looks at these remarkable recoveries but also uncovers the reasons why this strategy worked.

        Is this information you would want to know? Well, look at this way. It’s estimated that one man in every two and one women in three will get cancer during their lifetime. What if you could reduce the odds in your favour?

        Recently we’ve had lots of information in the media about reversing diabetes with food. Many patients have caught on to this and are trying it out successfully. Published trials confirm the benefits. A good number of people now understand the link between heart disease and food. We know you can reduce your odds by over 50% which is better than any drug available.  This is covered in my leaflets “Heart” and the more detailed, “Food, lifestyle and the heart”.

However, few people know how to reduce their chance of getting cancer. The leaflet “Foods that prevent cancer” gives a brief description of good and bad foods, roughly in order. The “cancer” leaflet provides further information. But how could a mere food help in such a serious disease? Well, recent research has discovered a profusion of chemicals and nutrients in foods that block many different stages of the cancer pathway (whereas drugs typically block only one stage). This knowledge has been known about for years but not widely publicised. This is all covered in the WDDTY article.

In my experience patients with cancer want to know what they can do to boost their chances and welcome this information. But not all doctors provide it. Another problem is cancer stem cells: these are a major cause for relapses in cancer. Unfortunately no drugs have been proved to be effective against them. A range of foods and nutrients are effective against cancer stem cells,doi%3A%2010.2174/0929867327666200228110738  (covered in Cancer leaflet).

Finally I would add that there is a wealth of information on lifestyle and cancer on the award-winning Canceractive website.